Obtaining Italian Citizenship requires a crucial step: the apostille of documents. This process validates the authenticity of documents abroad, being an essential requirement for them to be recognized in Italy. We will detail how this process works, ensuring your documents are ready for your citizenship journey.

First Step – Identifying the Necessary Documents: Initially, we identify all documents that need to be apostilled. This generally includes birth, marriage and death certificates, as well as other legal documents relevant to your citizenship application. Each document must be in its most recent and updated form.
Second Step – Authenticity Certification: For the apostille, each document must be certified as authentic by the issuing authority. In Brazil, this happens in stationery shops or other government bodies that issued the original documents. This step ensures that the document is legitimate and valid for international use.
Third Step – The Apostille Itself: After certification, the documents are taken to a competent authority for apostille, according to the Hague Convention. This process involves adding an apostille – a seal or attached sheet – which certifies that the document is valid and internationally recognised.
Fourth Step – Verifications and Translation: With apostilled documents, we carry out a final check to ensure that all details are correct. Furthermore, the documents must be translated by a sworn translator, and this translation is also subject to the apostille.
Conclusion – Preparing for Submission or Presentation: Finally, your apostilled and translated documents are ready to be used in the Italian citizenship process. Our team ensures that all documents are organized and prepared for sending to the Italian consulate or for presentation directly in Italy, depending on your needs.